My portfolio

This is a more rundown less fancy no-js version of my site. This exists because some people just dont want to read all the fancy content (or dont want to be seeing all the bloatware ive put in there) so this site exists.

'Some info about me
Hi Everyone, I am Saahil dutta, from USA
I am a 10th grader in KCD.
Apart from coding, some other activities that I love to do!

  • Playing Games
  • Eating different types of food
  • Robotics

I started programming during the Covid Pandemic in 2020. I am fluent in new like programming languages such as CSS , HTML, Javascript and Typescript.
My field of Interest's are building new Web Technologies and Products and also in areas related to Backend Services, CLI Services Whenever possible, I also apply my passion for developing products with Node.js and Modern Javascript Library and Frameworks like React.js